Avion Studios

Premium Parts & Service for Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Hammond and more

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Jetsons/Student DLX - Retrofit w/Amp
Jetsons/Student DLX - Retrofit w/Amp
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The RetroFlyer - Active Preamp for Passive Rhodes
The RetroFlyer - Active Preamp for Passive Rhodes
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RetroFlyer DLX - Preamp / EQ / Trem / FX
from $295.00
RetroFlyer DLX - Preamp / EQ / Trem / FX
from $295.00
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54-Key Retro-Slider Preamp
from $285.00
54-Key Retro-Slider Preamp
from $285.00
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Mail-In Service - Janus / Peterson Rhodes Preamp
from $90.00
Mail-In Service - Janus / Peterson Rhodes Preamp
from $90.00
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MkII DLX Suitcase - Drop-In Preamp
MkII DLX Suitcase - Drop-In Preamp
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Peterson Amp Card Kit - Silicon
from $58.50
Peterson Amp Card Kit - Silicon
from $58.50
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Peterson Preamp - Power Supply / Output Box
from $145.00
Peterson Preamp - Power Supply / Output Box
from $145.00
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DLX MkII - Stage Model
DLX MkII - Stage Model
Mark V Flyer - Active Preamp/Tremolo for Passive Mark Vs
Mark V Flyer - Active Preamp/Tremolo for Passive Mark Vs
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Janus Power Supply & Output
from $175.00
Janus Power Supply & Output
from $175.00
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Rhodes Suitcase Cables - All Variations
from $39.50
Rhodes Suitcase Cables - All Variations
from $39.50
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Peterson #19 Replacement Bulb
from $8.00
Peterson #19 Replacement Bulb
from $8.00
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Peterson Preamp - Recapping Set / All Revisions
from $22.00
Peterson Preamp - Recapping Set / All Revisions
from $22.00
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Vactrol/XVive Opto-Couplers for Janus Preamp LDR
from $12.00
Vactrol/XVive Opto-Couplers for Janus Preamp LDR
from $12.00
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Janus Preamp Re-capping Set - DIY
from $18.50
Janus Preamp Re-capping Set - DIY
from $18.50
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Rhodes - Peterson 4 Pin DIN - Right Angle Male
Rhodes - Peterson 4 Pin DIN - Right Angle Male
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Rhodes - Peterson 4-Pin Plug - Straight
Rhodes - Peterson 4-Pin Plug - Straight
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15v Dual Power Supply - for Janus Preamp - DIY PCB
Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$19.00
15v Dual Power Supply - for Janus Preamp - DIY PCB
Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$19.00
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3.5" Pickup - Red/Orange - Fully Tested
from $24.00
3.5" Pickup - Red/Orange - Fully Tested
from $24.00
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3" Rhodes Pickups - Orange/Red - Used
from $15.00
3" Rhodes Pickups - Orange/Red - Used
from $15.00
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White Tape Pickups for Rhodes - Tested
from $19.00
White Tape Pickups for Rhodes - Tested
from $19.00
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Switchcraft - R5F Right Angle 5-Pin Connector - Janus NOS
Switchcraft - R5F Right Angle 5-Pin Connector - Janus NOS
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Switchcraft A5M - Straight 5-Pin XLR - Janus NOS
Switchcraft A5M - Straight 5-Pin XLR - Janus NOS
LED w/ leads for Janus
from $3.50
LED w/ leads for Janus
from $3.50
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2N3405 Transistor - Rhodes Suitcase Amp Module
from $5.50
2N3405 Transistor - Rhodes Suitcase Amp Module
from $5.50
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NOS Janus EQ sliders - MIJ
from $15.00
NOS Janus EQ sliders - MIJ
from $15.00
RF to DLX Upgrade
from $50.00
RF to DLX Upgrade
from $50.00
Additional 24V power supply for RetroFlyer
Additional 24V power supply for RetroFlyer
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RCA Harp Connector
RCA Harp Connector